How can you pass board exams?
I passed the Environmental Planning Board Exam in 2018!
You can pass your board exam too!
Follow these Top 4 Tips!
These tips also apply to classroom exams, entrance exams, and other types of exams!
1. Read and read and read.
Developing reading comprehension is key for board exams.
Board exams usually have layered multiple-choice questions, so it pays to read carefully.

Your learnings will help you not only with the exams but also in daily life!
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2. Use concept maps and diagrams.
Diagrams will trigger your thoughts!
Concept maps help you see the “big picture.” Seeing the big picture, you can make connections among terms and principles.
You can invest in a whiteboard or use pieces of manila paper.
For me, pen and paper are more accessible! I then take a photo and save it for later review!
Read: Install these 11 Apps and Make your Self-Review Successful!
3. Train yourself in taking the exam.
One way to ease your anxiety is to practice taking exams.
Mock exams are not only for knowledge building. These are also for method training.
Multiple-choice exams can be hacked with elimination strategies.
Be strategic in taking board exams by learning how to eliminate bad choices.
Also schedule testing time in your review plan!

4. Pray and believe.
The #1 Characteristic of a Successful Self-Reviewer is faith!
Believing alone will not magically result to good exam scores! But, a better mindset will surely increase your motivation!
FAITH is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1
Have any tips for passing board exams?
Share them in the comments or send feedback!
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