Pass the Environmental Planning Board Exam

EnP Board Exam Application: The OJT Certificate

One of the tricky requirements for applying for the Environmental Planning Board Exam is the OJT Certificate or in Service-Training. signed by the applicant’s immediate supervisor.

You can download the certificate of experience template (as of April 2021) through the PRC website.

Some applicants wrongly assume that the OJT Certificate be signed by a licensed environmental planner.

Although training under a Filipino Environmental Planner will help you pass the Environmental Planning Board Exam, you should note the latter part of the statement.

or the applicant’s immediate supervisor in an agency or organization acceptable to the Board, which is engaged or involved in environmental planning functions or programs.

In short, the signatory of the OJT Certificate is not necessarily a licensed environmental planner, but can be your immediate supervisoras long as your organization is acceptable to the PRC Board of Environmental Planning.

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