Pass the Environmental Planning Board Exam The Successful Self Reviewer

4 Considerations for Planning your Self-Review

How do you start your self-review planning? 

12-step CLUP Process

CLUP Process Step 10: Review, Adopt, Approve the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance

The goal of Step 10 is to review, adopt and approve the draft CLUP and Zoning Ordinance.

Urban Planning Issues in the Philippines

Filipino Urban Planning in 2022: 4 Influences that Will Shape It

I believe 4 major influences will shape 2022 Filipino urban planning.

Increasing Urban Planning Knowledge

Environmental Planner Skills: System Thinking

By thinking in systems, Filipino environmental planners can influence more impactful changes.

Urban Planning Issues in the Philippines

Filipino Urban Planning in 2021: 21 Stories that Defined the Year

What stories influenced urban planning in the Philippines in 2021?

Become An Environmental Planner

Getting a Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) in Quezon City (2022 Update!)

You can now get a professional tax receipt online!

Become An Environmental Planner Increasing Urban Planning Knowledge

Scope of Practice of the Filipino Environmental Planner

What can Filipino environmental planners do?

Pass the Environmental Planning Board Exam

For Retakers of the Environmental Planning Board Exam

Can I re-take the exam if I failed the 2019 Environmental Planning Board Exam?

Pass the Environmental Planning Board Exam

EnP Exam Review: My Review Notebook (VIDEO)

You should have a Review Notebook for the Environmental Planning Board Exam.

12-step CLUP Process

CLUP Process Step 9: Conduct the Public Hearing

Through public hearings, local land use plans can get feedback and support.