Environmental Planning Programs in the Philippines

Environmental Planning Courses in UP Visayas

UP Visayas

Pass the Environmental Planning Board Exam

EnP Board Exam Application: The OJT Certificate

One of the tricky requirements for applying for the Environmental Planning Board Exam is the OJT Certificate or in Service-Training. signed by the applicant’s immediate supervisor. You can download the certificate of experience template (as of April 2021) through the PRC website. Some applicants wrongly assume that the OJT Certificate be signed by a licensed […]

Pass the Environmental Planning Board Exam

EnP Board Exam Review: How to Focus your Self Review

Where do you start? WATCH VIDEO!

Pass the Environmental Planning Board Exam

EnP Board Exam Application: List of Requirements

What are the requirements for applying for the Environmental Planning Board Exam?

Pass the Environmental Planning Board Exam

EnP Board Exam Review: Environmental plan implementation, legal aspects and administration

Read on for specific tips on how to review for SUBJECT AREA 3 of the Environmental Planning Board Exam!

Pass the Environmental Planning Board Exam

EnP Board Exam Review: Environmental planning process, methods, techniques and strategies

Specific tips on how to review for SUBJECT AREA 2: Environmental planning process, methods/techniques and strategies

Pass the Environmental Planning Board Exam

EnP Board Exam Review: History, Concepts, Theories and Principles of Environmental Planning

3 specific tips on how to review for SUBJECT AREA 1 of the Environmental Planning Board Exam!

The Successful Self Reviewer

How to Pass Board Exams? Follow these 4 Tips!

You can pass your board exam too! Follow these Top 4 Tips!

The Successful Self Reviewer

Exam Review: 12 Apps for a Successful Self Review

Need help to make your self-review successful? There are apps for that!

The Successful Self Reviewer

EnP Board Exam Review Tips: Fight Procrastination with the Pomodoro Technique

Named after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer, this technique helps me start projects and activities even on a sluggish mood.