12-step CLUP Process

CLUP Process Step 5: Setting land use goals and objectives

To achieve the vision, local governments must set appropriate development goals.

Set appropriate goals and objectives to achieve the vision.

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan process in the Philippines is composed of 12 steps.


The 12-step CLUP process (HLURB 2014)

Why is the step important?

To achieve the vision of the local government, appropriate land use and development goals are necessary.

What is the step about?

Setting goals and objectives that address the present gaps and build on the future potentials of the LGU.

Using the vision set in Step 3 and the results of the situational analysis (Step 4), land use and development goals are outlined.

Corresponding outcome indicators for these goals are also determined.

Read: Formulating Comprehensive Land Use Plans

How does it look like in my Tiwi experience?

  • We set goals and objectives by development sector, because we were also completing the Local Development Investment Plan.
Relationships among Step 5 and other aspects of the planning process. WATCH VIDEO for full details!

Read: How we updated the Ecological Profile of Bacacay

Top suggestions for LGU planners for this CLUP step

  • Use specific, measurable and time-bound indicators.
  • Focus more on strengths and potentials instead of on gaps and threats.

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