CLUP Process Step 3: How to set a vision for your local government unit

A common vision drives sustainable development in the local government unit.

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan process in the Philippines is composed of 12 steps.

Step 3 is to SET THE VISION.

The 12-step CLUP process (HLURB 2014)

Why is the step important?

Setting a vision is defining a future that the local government unit wants.

Vision is a catalyst for the transformation of LGUs (Teng-Calleja et al., 2017).

What is the step about?

Reviewing and revising the LGU vision towards institutionalizing it through a local resolution.

The expected outputs include:

  • Vision-reality gap analysis to help in the following CLUP steps
  • Official vision statement adopted by the Local Sanggunian

Read: Formulating Comprehensive Land Use Plans

How does it look like in my Tiwi experience?

  • Step 3 and Step 4 were interchanged and iteratively performed.
  • Vision statement process: Mayor <-> Consulting Team <-> Stakeholders -> Local Development Council -> Local Sanggunian

List of Requirements for the Environmental Planning Licensure Exam

Top suggestions for LGU planners for this CLUP step

  • Make all data and information available and accessible to all.
  • Balance participation and timing, being a process-oriented step.
  • Use the Local Government Code as basis, especially the General Welfare Clause.
The General Welfare Clause (Section 16) is a great starting point for the vision of local government units. Republic Act 7160

Here are my past projects in local government planning…


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