As one of two field supervisors, I guided a team of 15 undergraduate students on technical and administrative decisions. The study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices in solid waste management of custodians of UP Diliman.
The outputs were submitted to the University Chancellor.
Department of Geography, UP Diliman
Field Supervisor
Main Challenges
- The field class was for two months only. Because of the complexity of the solid waste management system, students chose to limit the study to academic buildings.
- Students needed to balance data gathering and data analysis to finish the study on deadlines.
What was unique about the experience?
- Unlike the Field Class on Ecological Profile of Bacacay, these students were able to go home and had to perform other personal commitments. This divided their attention for completing the study.
- Students interviewed custodians to assess their knowledge and practices in solid waste management. More than the data, the stories of inconsistencies in waste management practices were revealing of gaps in institutional waste management.