12-step CLUP Process

CLUP Process Step 8: Why LGUs draft zoning ordinances

The zoning ordinance is a legal instrument for implementing the land use plan.

Draft a zoning ordinance to implement the land use plan.

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan process in the Philippines is composed of 12 steps.


The 12-step CLUP process (HLURB 2014)

Why is the step important?

The zoning ordinance is a legal instrument for implementing the land use plan. It provides the boundaries, regulations, allowed uses, and controls in each division of a community.

What is the step about?

Translating the land use plan into a zoning ordinance, a legal instrument to implement it.

The zoning ordinance details the following:

  • Objectives of each zone in the local government territory
  • Allowable uses
  • Building density and regulations
  • Building structure and design regulations

Read: Formulating Comprehensive Land Use Plans

How does it look like in my Tiwi experience?

Read: I was a Project Writer for an an International Climate Project of Oxfam GB.

Priorities for zoning for local government units

  • Affordable housing and human settlement in urban centers
  • Transit-oriented development
  • Resilience to climate and disaster risks
  • Social safeguards to indigenous, marginalized, and poor populations

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