How can barangays start pocket green parks?
These 3 initial steps can help.
What are Pocket Green Parks?
Borrowing Allison Blake’s definition of pocket parks, I describe pocket green parks as
Pocket green parks are small scale urban open and green spaces in our neighborhoods. usually only a few house lots in size or smaller.
Resource Hub for Pocket Green Park Development
3 Steps for Barangays to Develop Pocket Green Parks
Barangays can start developing pocket green parks by following these 3 initial steps.
Step 1: Conduct greening on the buffers of existing government facilities, social gathering areas, and streets
- Start with existing government structures and public schools.
- One challenge of pocket park development cited by the Pocket Park Toolkit of The Trust for Public Land is community distrust: communities not being all in on pocket park development.
- Setting examples in government structures can incentivize community involvement as well.
- Also, places of worship can be enjoined to respect street easements to enable accessible green spaces on the sidewalk.
Step 2: Enjoin residents in using idle lands for pocket green parks
- The COVID-19 pandemic showed how people love greenery in their homes.
- The barangay government can persuade owners of idle lots to make these public green spaces by offering rental and concession fees.
- Put green thumbs, Plantitos and Plantitas to force!
Here are my past projects in local government planning…
Step 3: Use funding wisely and coordinate for shared pocket green parks among barangays.
- Shifting from basketball courts to urban gardens can be a start.
- For barangays in heavily-densed cities like Manila, shared green parks among barangays can be implemented.
- Opportunities for outdoor businesses in pocket green parks can be a funding strategy.
What do you think of the pocket green park strategy?
Developing Pocket Green Parks in the Philippines
- Resource Hub for Pocket Green Park Development
- 3 Advantages of Pocket Green Park Development for LGUs
- 3 Steps for Barangays to Develop Pocket Green Parks