As Researcher (output-based), I worked with Oscar M. Lopez Center on the Physical Climate Risk Scenario Analysis of First Philippine Holdings Corporation.
The Project deliverables include the following:
- Synthesis Report of Physical Climate Risks of FPH subsidiaries
- Small dialogues with business sectors of FPH
- Business Briefs on the Physical Climate Risks for top and middle management of FPH subsidiaries
Oscar M. Lopez Center
Researcher (Output-based)
Main Challenges
- Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, dialogues with representatives of FPH subsidiaries were delayed. These dialogues were eventually conducted purely online.
- In completing the Synthesis Report, I had to effectively filter through many papers, reports, and case studies about Philippine climate change in a short period of time.
What was unique about the experience?
- Conducting purely online discussions during the pandemic were insightful experiences.
- I realized that businesses value people more than profit. When asked about their priority impacts for monitoring, management representatives always started with effects to worker safety.