Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) of the Municipality of Tiwi (2018)

EnPTinio presenting proposed priority programs and projects at the Stakeholder Consultation Workshop,
EnPTinio presenting proposed priority programs and projects at the Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, EnPTinio presenting proposed priority programs and projects at the Stakeholder Consultation Workshop,
EnPTinio presenting proposed priority programs and projects at the Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, Municipality of Tiwi. May 2018. Department of Geography UP Diliman.


As Environmental Sector Planner, I assisted the Municipality of Tiwi in completing their Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Local Development Investment Plan.

Contact me!


Municipal Government of Tiwi


Environmental Sector Planner

Main Challenges

  • We needed to complete the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP), Local Development Investment Plan (LDIP), and Zoning Ordinance (ZO) all at the same time.

What was unique about the experience?

  • The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the Municipality of Tiwi is my first consulting project as a team member of planning consultants.

Here are my past projects in local government planning…
