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EnP Board Exam Review: The Ultimate Reviewer App

Want to review for the Environmental Planning Board Exam on-the-go? There's an app for that!

Pedestrian Lanes: 3 Reasons Why They are Essential

In car-centric Metro Manila, are pedestrian lanes essential?

EnP Board Exam Application: The OJT Certificate

One of the tricky requirements for applying for the Environmental Planning Board Exam is the OJT Certificate or in Service-Training.…

2 Reasons I Recommend the Diploma in Land Use Planning program of the UP Open University for Filipino Environmental Planner Aspirants

Here are my two reasons for recommending the Diploma in Land Use Planning program specifically for local government planners.

CLUP Experience: Ideology in Tiwi

Ideology covers the perspectives and culture incorporated into the process of comprehensive land use plans.

How Filipino Environmental Planners Can Increase Urban Planning Knowledge (Updated 2021!)

Follow these sites to increase your urban planning knowledge!

EnP Board Exam Review: How to Focus your Self Review

Where do you start? WATCH VIDEO!

EnP Board Exam Application: List of Requirements

What are the requirements for applying for the Environmental Planning Board Exam?

EnP Board Exam Review: 3 Key Questions to Plan Your Self Review

Plan your self review with these 3 QUESTIONS!

Land use planning: How are decisions on land use made?

Although physical, economic, and social factors influence land use decisions, the characteristics and motives of stakeholders essentially dictate land use…

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