
EnP Exam Review: My Review Notebook (VIDEO)

You should have a Review Notebook for the Environmental Planning Board Exam.

CLUP Process Step 9: Conduct the Public Hearing

Through public hearings, local land use plans can get feedback and support.

Solid Waste Management in the Philippines: 5 Most Important Things to Know

5 things you need to know about solid waste management in the Philippines

CLUP Process Step 8: Why LGUs draft zoning ordinances

The zoning ordinance is a legal instrument for implementing the land use plan.

Environmental Planning Courses in UP Open University (Remote)

UP Open University

Environmental Planning Courses in UP Mindanao

UP Mindanao

Environmental Planning Courses in University of Mindanao

University of Mindanao

Environmental Planning Courses in Miriam College

Miriam College

Environmental Planning Courses in UP Visayas

UP Visayas

CLUP Process Step 7: How to prepare a land use plan

The land use plan encapsulates the vision, situation and goals of the local government unit.

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